Improving of Livelihood as a buying agent

After the long buying season that GADC has had in the 2017/18 season has come to an end, many community members have been excited after receiving an income. The many trucks that were hired by the company for over six months have now left with smiles on their faces. The buying agents that were heavily […]

Turning Fortunes for Ojara Robinson

Turning Fortunes for Ojara Robinson When you reach Ojara Robinson’s homestead, you find a practical farmer in everything. He grows many different types of crops within his homestead, mainly fruits for his own consumption and the surplus is sold out in the market. “Growing fruits crops is more important and economical to my family health […]

Women Leading A New Wave of Commercial Agriculture in Uganda: Jennifer’s Story

The Kacel Watwero group was established in 2019 as a Village Savings and Loan Association (VSLA), and offers members opportunities to access affordable finance. Besides saving and lending money, the group of 25, which is almost entirely made up of women, now also work together on larger commercial farming.   Markets for Youth Last year, the group […]

‘Tis the season: Business begins.

As the start of the new marketing season looms, there is a high level of excitement across the whole of Uganda. For the farmer, markets have opened; the energetic youth are excited to find work loading and unload produce from traders’ trucks; the traders are thrilled to see business picking up, eagerly moving from village […]

A turning point for Mawimbi Geofrey while working with GADC under TRAIL program

Mawimbi Geoffrey is a 33 year old and a resident of Okol Village, Kal Parish, Mucwini Sub-county in Kitgum District and a father of four. Geoffrey joined Gulu Agricultural Development Company (GADC ) in June 2015 as a lead farmer and later was promoted to Field Officer, a position he serves to date . Geoffrey used to be a subsistence farmer dealing mainly in millet , cotton , cassava and sorghum. He moved from being traditional farmer after undergoing trainings on organic and commercial farming offered […]


I am Jenifer Adong, 29 years old and a single mother of two, a Chili farmer based in Lokung Sub-county, Pakalabule Parish, in Lamwo District. In 2011 , my parents passed away while in senior one and there was no one to support me through to secondary school. I went to different schools in search for a bursary which I hoped would enable me finish my secondary studies but was unsuccessful. I found rescue in the neighborhood, from a woman called Anena Alice, who owned restaurant where I was employed as a waitress, from which I earned a […]